NCIS Education Excellence Awards is committed to honour schools, educators and students towards their admirable talent, and reward them with utmost dignity. The event witnesses exceptional achievements within the council, who are honoured for their efforts in academic and research. The pioneering initiatives are acknowledged to further the efforts and bring a revolution in the educational sector. This is where professionals from around the country gather to network, share ideas, and discover solutions to today’s challenges. The event is attended by a vast number of industry and educational sector delegates as well as Principals and students of several educational institutes across India. NCIS is a prominent association promoting growth in the education and communication sector through Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy, Research, Conferences, and Seminars. National Education Conference & Awards, which are amongst the best opportunity available to get recognition of educational institutes by Global leaders of the Education and ICT Sector.
The National Council of Progressive Colleges and Universities hosts Awards and Ranking across its collaborated institutions to instill Global Promotion and Recognition. The aim is to curate a sense of Global Community amongst the institutions and allow a networking framework within us. The Awards honor the institutions for their commendable efforts in revitalizing the Higher Education Landscape while providing them recognition at a global level. The events not only adds a mark of quality to individual institutions but upgrade their institutional profile and wider their access. We honor our institutions, educators and associated organizations, and also rank the Higher Education Institutions for the better understanding of parents and students. All these efforts by NCICU are put in to raise the Institute’s credentials and awareness across the Higher Education network and provide them International recognition.
The NCIS Hall of Fame is reserved for those schools that have shown truly superior leadership and achievement through their activities and education by accomplishing their goal. Through their academic achievements and involvement as Educational bodies, it is clear to all who encounter them that they have set themselves apart from other great doing Schools and deserving this unique glory. One's mission for newness and differentiation from others brings upon the curiosity among people. We aim to identify, rank, and share the finest Schools and acknowledge them for their contribution to society. They are distinguished who have made a lasting and vital impact on how schools are led and managed. We welcome you to our NCIS Hall of Fame, whose names and legacies are added to the ranks of those who have arrived here before them.
NCIS is delighted to announce its School of the Month Award to recognise schools that focus intently on the learning and development of students from the start of their schooling experiences through to early adolescence. Innovative approaches, community partnerships, strong leadership and commitment to professional learning shape the positive and inspirational culture of the schools. This award is also recognition of the outstanding work of all School management and staff focusing on meaningful outcomes for students in their academic, social and creative development. Outstanding teaching and leadership create positive environments for students to achieve their best, for staff to contribute their best and for communities to be actively involved in their schools. Every school's vision is to be recognized closely for the mission to develop high-achieving students who are connected globally, to each other and to the communities in which they live and serve.
School of the Year is an award designed to offer independent schools a platform to showcase their success stories and celebrate the student experiences they provide. The recognized schools which have met their visions through activities, projects, and teaching methods have had the most significant positive influence on the students and the surrounding community. The award has been designed to reflect the breadth and diversity of life in schools in the 21st century and to acknowledge their contribution to wider society. The awards are free to enter for all independent schools which are members of an association in membership of the National Council of International School and will be judged by an eminent group of educationalists. The judges will be looking for schools to share stories of success underpinned by supporting evidence. Victory comes in many forms and we want to celebrate them all.