Learn how to start your own Counseling Center and how it is the right fit for you. Becoming an Authorized centre you must assist the members of the community by offering career services to those who are confused regarding their career and wants to lead better lives by sharing educational backgrounds, as well as philosophies regarding the best sessions. Provide expertise services for students by taking a unified position on their issues and become a responsible advisor with the NCIS career counseling centre.
We have been working to develop counseling services nationwide offering more widely throughout the nation improving people lives and making a significant contribution in alleviating world difficulties. Utilising our consultative status in collaboration with international organisations and governmental bodies aids NCIS to strengthen counseling’s position worldwide. National Council of International School serves as the affiliates and represents the institutions of certified counseling centre that prepare counselors and guide the people through their career difficulties. After becoming an authorized center you can provide networking, service, and professional learning opportunities for counselors, educators and students across the state.
NCIS will help to provide legitimate certification to work as certified career counseling centre within and across the country. To become an authorized centre you need to understand and help people to deal with their feelings and responses, and decide on actions they can take to solve problems and create change in their lives.