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School Ranking

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world,” Former South African president and late antiapartheid activist Nelson Mandela once said. With such golden words underlies the significance of how education can influence one’s purpose and the road to lead a life.

Getting admission to kids in the new school is one of the prime responsibilities of any parent. When parents initiate their quest to choose appropriate schooling for their kids they are surrounded by several questions simultaneously that are buzzing through their minds and so that creates certain parameters to assess schools. The everyday growing global competition does not limit the purpose of education to only get a job but also caters to develop a generation of vibrant minds and global leaders. The NCIS school ranking across the country will help education stakeholders to break the barriers of demography as it is not limited to the metropolitan or big cities alone. The ranking is conducted to select and rate the top schools located in metros and cities of India on the basis of data collected through primary, secondary, and perception-based research also covering the international schools that offer the latest and best global practices to their students. It is hoped that ranking will be beneficial for schools as well to improve themselves as per the factors concerning the education sector the most at present.