Endpoint Assessments

National Council designed Endpoint Assessment enables schools, colleges and universities to execute competency-based assessments to bring out the best talent among students. Endpoint Assessment will be an extensive series of assessments that colleges will conduct based on the subject areas similar to the final exams in undergraduate courses. Customized end point assessment on student's development of online evaluations for educational institutions, universities, colleges and schools is what one needs to achieve. The Assessment can enhance learning as well as provide information on student progress and guidance for their future career while providing a Certification to the institute. The online system will facilitate seamless coordination among Colleges and students and get certified by National Council Endpoint Assessment Certification. National Council will help educational institutions effectively create online exams and evaluate results. Effective assessment will be critical to establishing academic achievement and competency among students to pursue their career goals. Each Campus will have a comprehensive assessment and certification offering by National Council as a certified council of competence preparation and professional skills development among students.

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