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We offer Quality Food Certification to confirm that your school processes, prepares, and handles food products to the highest possible standards. The Vocational & Skill Education Certification is formed to ensure independence, common understanding, and credibility of schools among students and their families of the various food safety standards aimed at improving food safety and quality. Schools must attribute to the product quality with the Vocational & Skill Education quality code featuring unique certification for the schools. A standard to assess product and service quality attributes with a quality shield is displayed on the products of quality certificates. The Quality Food Certification is recognized by the National Council of International School that offers a seamless ‘farm to plate’ food safety and quality certification. As an accredited and approved certification body Vocational & Skill Education provides certification inspections against the main food safety standards, storage & distribution, and packaging. We enable you to receive a food safety and quality certificate after you achieve the standards and principles providing your students with confidence and peace of mind regarding food safety. Schools can use various tools and techniques given by us to understand the quality of food and improve it with regular feedback and mutual dialogues.