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National Council Higher Education (NCICU) envision transforming the Higher Education Landscape by being the driving source to establish intellectual and innovative educational standards worldwide in colleges and universities. With an upscaled and enriched curriculum we seek to fuel the passion and imagination of the students towards innovation and learning, effectively. Our framework strikes a balance for faculty members’ time between teaching, research and practicing to bring personal enrichment and academic excellence for the students and teachers. Making universities social catalysts of change, we guide students to confront real world challenges with socially relevant curricula and research, dual guidance (teachers and practitioners), mentor-mentee programs and faculty development.
The Research and Development of NCICU focuses on the following matters-
NCICU’s Voluntary Institutions System of Accountability entails within itself an evaluation and monitoring system that supplements the academic needs so as to ensure continuous improvement. The system guides the collaborated universities in seeking expertise in operational activities, while nurturing the students with adequate skills and knowledge.
The curriculum of NCICU is extended and enhanced with a scientific approach to educate the students with knowledge and learning that benefits them. Catering to the long term growth of students, the educational approach is practical, sustainable and industry based.
Contributing to the needs of the digital era, our educational system ensures that the students are not just tech-savvy but well versed with technological solutions that will be vital for their career. Sustainable learning in technology is the key for the students to add on to their working skills.
In Higher Education, learning with experience is what takes you forward to meet corporate expectations and fulfill entrepreneurship needs. Our curriculum provides you with industry experience before your on job experience to prepare you better for what unfolds.
NCICU focuses on skill enhancement and vocational development that would contribute to the requirement of entrepreneurship and corporations. Our research is based on industries that requires specific workforce, so as to provide secure careers to the students, and fulfill societal needs.