
National Council of Schools Colleges and Universities’ policies will establish connections with educational institutions. The council envisions institutions to establish academic linkages with accredited organizations for enhancing the quality of the curriculum offering, teaching-learning, and research activities. The Policies will address all the issues to provide guidelines for all types of relations and collaborations to ensure continuity of operations maintaining quality in all joint activities of research, publications, product development, etc. National Council will encourage collaborations between the private sector and universities/colleges to expand and enhance educational opportunities. The Policies will be laid out for performance funding, credit transfer, the fee for student exchange programs, and internationalization of education

National Council aims to have clear policies in relation to the internationalization of education through foreign providers and enable the capability of our institutions to enter the competitive world. In keeping with the National Council’s approach to policy development, each policy is accompanied by a set of procedures & guidelines to support and guide colleges, universities, institutions, and peer evaluators in conducting accreditation decision making. National Council’s systematic process for reviewing its standards for accreditation, requirements of affiliation, and policies will provide an opportunity for member institutions to review proposed accreditation policies and provide input