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Are you a member of School Education yet? If not, you’re missing out on valuable benefits. National Council Secondary Education Counseling centers let the students share their experiences with counselors and get help with their problems or concerns, advice for taking your career ahead. A safe and secure environment is a requirement for effective teaching and learning with the National Education Excellence and Development (NEED) policy benefiting the students going through their difficult career choices across nations. With School Education , counselors are as close as your computer or mobile devices, you can access the authorized Counseling centre Directory and locate the counselors near you. Take advantage of Webinar offered on varied topics by the consultants affiliated to School Education to provide students and families with dedicated expertise through unique learning experience by NEED. The Counseling centers provide expertise in specific improvement areas that have been identified as priorities by the school's members making it possible to resolve and create a high learning experience. We insure counselors provide the right amount of education, experience, and training to the students in difficult times while focusing on how to “Educate, Encourage, Evolve, Embrace, Empower, and Excel” through NEED.