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Becoming a Coordinator performs a fundamental role in making school programs successful. Responsibility for driving the program and ensuring it is integrated into the wider practice of the school and influencing the thinking and practice of colleagues across the school community. Coordinators are teachers or administrators who volunteer on behalf of their schools who ensure the development and evaluation, teacher training, mentoring, and textbook and computer software review. You could be an Instructional coordinator overseeing the school curriculum and teaching standards while developing instructional material, managing its implementation with teachers and principals, and assessing its effectiveness. Another option is of Education coordinators who get to organize and supervise education and training programs working for public and private schools for abroad programs and career development services. Becoming a Coordinator of Vocational & Skill Education requires strong interpersonal and communication skills with advanced organisation skills. You must have a desire to enhance and improve the education system and be familiar with current guidelines, policies, and regulations as they pertain to education. .