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The primary aim of the National Council Higher Education’ Global Citizenship is making students responsible and active global citizens, through NCICU’s advanced curriculum that nurtures progressive learning opportunities as well as establishing a sense of belonging amongst humanity. It resolves the challenges in bringing together staff, students, and parents from multiple cultures that impact the ability of leaders in influencing the community and for educators to effectively collaborate. We aim to empower students to face and resolve global challenges and become proactive contributors to a more peaceful, tolerant, learned and secure world.
Higher Education for young people with NCICU develops the core competencies which allow them to actively engage with the world and help to make it a more sustainable place. NCICU helps Colleges/ Universities develop their leaders and teachers while evaluating their educational strategy to discover new ways to live their mission. Global citizenship education provides the understanding, skills, and values students need to cooperate in resolving the interconnected challenges of the 21st century, and outcomes prepare them to be successful in the workplace today. It is a method of community learning that involves students' active participation in addressing global issues. The Internet and information technology are also revolutionizing teaching methods and making higher education more readily accessible in a global system driven by knowledge and information. The universities are perceived as a springboard for individual success and contribute to global economic growth. Even for students belonging from different backgrounds, our standardized curriculum aids them to become aware and adapted into larger networks of globalism. The educational quality is highly nurturing in developing collective forms of individuality and solidarity in Global Citizenship.