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Indian Outstanding Youth Talk (IOU TALK)

National Council’s star program, Indian Outstanding Youth Talk (IOU TALK) will invite the exemplary thinking personalities from all member Schools, Colleges, Universities and Institutions for sharing experiences, knowledge and understanding and inspire youngsters.

Education Summits

National Council will organise Education Summits from time to time for providing a platform to all Students, Educators, Parents and training professionals to gain information, knowledge and insights on the most advanced concepts, processes and approaches being practiced in the global education community.


National Council will organise Conferences on various aspects pertaining to Education sector in India and developing models of quality education. The conference will draw a large number of leading personalities from the global education fraternity.


National Council will convene and facilitate meetings and interactions between Heads of Educational Institutions or Management to formulate new effective education policies, guidelines and frameworks and to resolve and address concerns and issues raised by National –Council’ s member institutions.

Policy Debates

National Council will encourage debates and dialogues on education policy development and improvement for the betterment of the Indian Education sector.